Setting the stage
Let’s quickly see how the (dual variant of the) Yoneda lemma can
speed up some Haskell programs – more specifically ones that are
repeatedly calling fmap to transform some data within a
We will be focusing on the following Functor
data Tree a
= Bin a (Tree a) (Tree a)
| Nil
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Tree where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (Bin a l r) = Bin (f a) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
-- we'll also use this instance to perform a silly computation
-- on our tree after some transformations have occured
instance Foldable Tree where
foldMap _ Nil = mempty
foldMap f (Bin a l r) = f a <> foldMap f l <> foldMap f r
A simple binary tree with data stored in the nodes, whose
instance lets us map a function over each a stored
in our tree and whose Foldable
instance lets us combine
computations performed over our a
The Yoneda
lemma, when interpreted on haskell Functor
s, tells us
that Coyoneda f a
is equivalent (isomorphic) to
f a
, where Coyoneda
data Coyoneda f a where
Coyoneda :: (b -> a) -> f b -> Coyoneda f a
We see that it holds an f b
and a way to go from
s to a
s, effectively making it equivalent to
f a
if you fmap
the first field on the second
one. That’s also the only sensible thing we can do with such a value, as
is hidden!
If it’s equivalent to f a
, it must be a
too? Sure enough it is.
instance Functor (Coyoneda f) where
fmap f (Coyoneda b2a fb) = Coyoneda (f . b2a) fb
We see that calling fmap f
amounts to “accumulating”
more work in the b -> a
field, possibly even changing
from a given a
to some other type, as allowed by
. This is exactly the piece of code that powers “fmap
fusion”. Instead of going from f a
to f b
fmap f
and then to f c
fmap g
, the Coyoneda
representation keeps hold
of the original f a
, which is left untouched by the
instance above, and instead simply composes
and g
in that first field.
Now, we said that f a
and Coyoneda f a
isomorphic but did not provide functions to prove our claim, let’s fix
that right away.
coyo :: f a -> Coyoneda f a
= Coyoneda id
uncoyo :: Functor f => Coyoneda f a -> f a
Coyoneda f fa) = fmap f fa uncoyo (
Note that we do not need f
to be a Functor
to build a Coyoneda f a
, as there’s no need to call
until the very end, when we have composed all our
transformations and finally want to get the final result.
Proving fusion
Maybe it’s still not clear to you that successive fmap
calls are fused, so let’s prove it. We want to show that for two
functions f :: b -> c
g :: a -> b
uncoyo . fmap f . fmap g . Coyoneda id = fmap (f . g)
. fmap f . fmap g . coyo
uncoyo = uncoyo . fmap f . fmap g . Coyoneda id -- definition of coyo
= uncoyo . fmap f . Coyoneda (g . id) -- Functor instance for Coyoneda
= uncoyo . fmap f . Coyoneda g -- g . id = g
= uncoyo . Coyoneda (f . g) -- Functor instance for Coyoneda
= fmap (f . g) -- definition of uncoyo
Nice! And you could of course chain any number of fmap
calls and they would all get fused into a single fmap
that applies the composition of all the functions you
Show time
For instance, back to our tree, let’s define some silly computations:
-- sum all the values in a tree
sumTree :: Num a => Tree a -> a
= getSum . foldMap Sum
-- an infinite tree with integer values
t :: Tree Integer
= go 1
where go r = Bin r (go (2*r)) (go (2*r + 1))
-- only keep the given number of depth levels of
-- the given tree
takeDepth :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
Nil = Nil
takeDepth _ 0 _ = Nil
takeDepth Bin r t1 t2) = Bin r (takeDepth (d-1) t1) (takeDepth (d-1) t2)
takeDepth d (
-- a chain of transformations to apply to our tree
transform :: (Functor f, Num a) => f a -> f a
= fmap (^2) . fmap (+1) . fmap (*2) transform
Now with a simple main we can compare how efficient it is to compute
sumTree $ takeDepth n (transform t)
by using
vs Coyoneda Tree
as the functor on which
the transformations are applied. You can find an executable module in this
If we compare with and without Coyoneda
for n = 23,
there’s already a noticeable (and reproducible) difference:
$ time ./yo 23
$ time ./yo 23 --coyo