This is the website of Alp Mestanogullari. You might find content at the intersection of programming, computer science, mathematics and who knows what else. You’ve been warned.
- 2024-10-13 - Cheap guitars and drums in Haskell
- 2024-10-03 - Web scraping with lenses, prisms, folds and traversals
- 2024-09-25 - Freeing GADTs
- 2024-09-06 - Diagrams
- 2024-08-16 - Deciding your future editor, in the past
- 2018-07-12 - Why is servant a type-level DSL?
- 2017-08-17 - Coyoneda and fmap fusion
I am CTO of a tech company, after having built a computer science, programming language and cryptography R&D team, following many (delightful) years of Haskell consultancy at Well-Typed and Tweag, all interleaved with attempts at launching a couple of startups.
I have worked on a variety of topics and projects over the years, among which:
- the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
- the servant web libraries in Haskell
- Meta’s Glean code indexing and querying infrastructure
- the CNRS’s Gargantext project
- computer vision systems for monitoring tokamaks
- a few flavours of auction solvers and simulators for Oxford’s Economics department
- a EU-funded exascale distributed computing platform
- a differentially private database server
- a WASM-to-Zero-Knowledge-VM compiler
- some sound synthesis models, especially revolving around the physical modelling of instruments
- various Machine Learning applications, from recommendations to pre- and post-GPT NLP
- many flavours of DSLs and compilers for high-performance, domain-specific applications
I enjoy working on problems at the intersection of (abstract or applied) mathematics, computer science and high performance computing. If you would like to explore a collaboration, please get in touch.